5 Reasons Why Poorly Managed Cleaning May Affect Your Business

5 Reasons Why Poorly Managed Cleaning May Affect Your Business

As a business owner, you may or may not regard cleanliness as one of the most important factors affecting your bottom line. This is only important if you are in the healthcare, hospitality, or food industry, right? Wrong. Continue reading to find out how badly managed cleaning could negatively impact your business in ways you never thought possible.

1. No Amount Of PR Can Save a Dirty Business

The first thing that will be negatively affected by the presence of dirt is your firm’s physical appearance. Regardless of your outstanding product range or your carefully planned displays, the presence of dirty windows, grimy floors and cluttered workspaces will send a message to the world that this business just can’t be bothered.

2. Customer Perception Counts

A clean, neat work environment on the other hand creates a warm ambiance that makes potential clients immediately feel welcome. It also instills trust and confidence among prospective clients that they are dealing with a professional firm for which attention to detail is as important as it is for them.

Those would-be customers might say nothing, but from the moment they walk into your reception area, they start evaluating your firm. A dirty front office that via equally dirty passages leads to a conference room that still smells of last week’s smoke and coffee will make a first impression on a prospective client that might be hard to erase even with a brilliant business proposal.

3. In Most People’s Minds Dirt Equates to a Lack of Hygiene

In a world that is desperately struggling to emerge from the worst pandemic in a century, most people have become much more conscious of how a clean environment relates to better health. The smudges on your conference room table might, after all, have been left by someone carrying a contagious disease. And the dirt on the floor and the shelves might contain bacteria that could cause anything from allergic reactions to meningitis. All of these will send a clear message to visitors that this business simply doesn’t care about the well-being of its employees and its clients.

4. A Dirty Workplace and its Impact on Employee Motivation and Productivity

Various research projects have been conducted on the correlation between employee performance and cleanliness. These studies found that dirt and clutter negatively affect workers physically and psychologically. An unhygienic, dirty workplace makes employees feel uncomfortable and harms both productivity and morale. It also negatively affects creativity and decision-making abilities. And last but not least, a dirty workplace can make allergies worse and help spread contagious diseases.

5. A Filthy Business Can Quickly Become the Talk of the Town

Why that is the case is hard to say, but bad news always spreads faster than good news. Once your company has acquired a reputation for dirt and grime it will be very hard to shed that image, even with the best PR campaign. The solution is never to allow it to happen in the first place.

Why Delegating Cleaning to the Professionals is a Good Idea

 A well-organized schedule that outlines the cleaning jobs that have to be carried out every day, week, and month is vitally important. Complaints have to be dealt with immediately and efficiently.

Our suggestion is to hire a professional cleaning service such as Bayside CBS that can take care of everything. From the outside of the buildings to the windows, offices, restrooms, waiting rooms, etc., Bayside has you covered. Contact us today for your free consultation.

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